Bonzi buddy bonzi buddy sings wake me up inside
Bonzi buddy bonzi buddy sings wake me up inside

bonzi buddy bonzi buddy sings wake me up inside

and start to buy better cooking utilities. the more u are exposed to computer knowledge, its only common u begin to seek better things.

bonzi buddy bonzi buddy sings wake me up inside

even all those who work at Compaq are " hackers" there is nothing wrong with asking for more faster or better hardwares. of large corporations who once were " black hat hackers" but make millions hacking for a good cause and thats "security". "white hat hackers" are people who do hacking with good causes such as those who work int he security dept. just a matter of what type of hacker u are. but i think u need to re-evaluate the term " hacker" just about anyone whos involved or work in the computer field is a " hacker". To be frank and earnest, for some reason why do i see a sense of dictatorship in ur household? is it not god that has given us the choice to decide our own directions? besides have u known that even bill gates, CEO of microsoft was once a hacker.

bonzi buddy bonzi buddy sings wake me up inside

i am gonna go DOS someones BONZI BUDDY !!! hahahahaīy Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 30th, 2002 at 01:22:00 AM PST anyone who knows the first things about computing will be in hysterics. designed to take advantage of naeve and ignorant parents. The word 'gullable' is not in the dictionary (none / 0) (#7623)īy Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 30th, 2002 at 01:05:28 AM PST you are a n00b! and linux inst dangerous for your computer, its much healthier then wincrap. i wish you would know what youre talking about before posting. and AMD ? great proccesors, i use it myself. i also feel sorry for your son, having such a masochist dad. LUNIX ? well, it's LINUX and it is NOT dangerous, in fact, it is much better then crappy windows. Your emailīy Anonymous Reader on Sat Jun 29th, 2002 at 02:00:37 PM PST

Bonzi buddy bonzi buddy sings wake me up inside